
D. Zelinsky & Sons was founded by immigrant David Zelinsky in 1884, beginning in a small store-front on Hayes Street in San Francisco. Today, the firm has grown into a multi-million dollar company with major commercial contracts in painting and is Northern California’s exclusive distributor/dealer of SoftWalls™ Upholstered Wall and Ceiling System.

The long history of fine quality and versatility of the firm’s architectural finishes has enabled us to excel within the industry with a portfolio of diverse projects such as hotels, office towers, high-rises, condominiums, medical facilities, industrial complexes and government and educational buildings.


At D. Zelinsky & Sons, we have a genuine commitment to creating a safe workplace. Our Environmental Safety & Health Program provides resources for hiring and training of personnel, oversight and enforcement needed to manage the program. We communicate our commitment to the workforce which allows for feedback and recommendations to continuously improve the safety environment.

We have a team of full-time safety professionals at both the corporate and field level to evaluate, improve, implement and enforce our Environmental Safety & Health Program. Safety Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are sent weekly to corporate and divisional leadership.

Features of our Safety Program include:

  • Zero tolerance policy
  • Site-specific safety plans
  • Pre-job safety analysis and hazard identification
  • Annual training and education
  • Specialized training and education
  • Plan of the Day (POD)
  • Daily job site inspections
  • Weekly safety walk audits
  • Monthly site safety audits by corporate safety and project management
  • Third-party loss control and risk assessment surveys
  • Return-to-work program
  • Intra-company communications (safety committees, newsletters, memos)
  • OSHA partnership programs (including Cal/OSHA Golden Gate Partnership)